Crochet videos
How to read crochet charts, part 2.
The video shows how to read crochet charts that worked in the round.
Starting from 0:35 min how to read charts from the center, like a granny square or other motifs.
Starting from 7:30 min how to read charts that are for projects with bigger circumferences like cowls or pullovers.
How to read crochet charts, part 1.
Part one covers basic rules and symbols to work charts in the rows (if you crochet back and forth).
Simple Crochet Cord, making 2 ways.
How to make a simple crochet cord. Two ways of making it.
The first way: make a chain (the length of the chain is the needed length of the cord) and slip stitch in every chain, starting from 2nd chain from the hook. Second way: create chainless foundation slip stitch row.
Alternative Double crochet (Alt dc) and Treble crochet (Alt tr).
This video shows how to make a straight edge with double crochet.
How to do alternative double crochet (alt dc) and alternative treble crochet (alt tr).
The video shows also different ways to start double crochet rows and the difference between turning chains (with ch 3 or ch 2) at the beginning of the row and alt dc.
Crochet Surface Slip Stitch.
In this video, I show how to crochet decorative stitch over knitted fabric. Using crochet hook and crochet surface slip stitch.
Embroidery Chain Stitch.
Not exactly a crochet video, but it gives similar look like a surface slip stitch.
In this video, I show how to embroider the chain over the knitted fabric.
Single crochet (SC), sc front loop only (FLO), sc back loop only (BLO) or through back loop (TBL).
In this video, I compare single crochet (sc), single crochet front loop only (sc flo), and single crochet back loop only (sc blo). Sometimes sc blo also called through back loop (sc tbl).
The video shows how to make all 3 types of stitches.
Chainless Foundation Single Crochet.
The video shows how to make chainless foundation single crochet.
You can substitute 1 row of chains (ch) + 1 row of single crochet (sc) with just 1 row of foundation single crochet (fsc).