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Knitting videos

Knitting basics. Basic Bind Off.

How to make basic bind off using knit stitches, purl stitches, or alternate stitches for ribbing (or other patterns).

If you have a stockinette stitch in front of you, work bind off using knit stitches.

If you have a reverse stockinette stitch in front of you, work bind off using purl stitches.

If the last row/round of the work is made using different stitches, work stitches for the bind off as they appear (knit knits, purl purls).

Knitting basics. Purl stitch.

How to make a purl stitch continental style, holding the yarn in the left hand and wrapping yarn for the stitch with the right needle.

Knitting basics. Knit stitch.

How to make a knit stitch continental style knitting, holding the yarn in the left hand and picking up yarn for the stitch with the right needle.

Knitting basics. Long Tail Cast On.

How to make Long Tail Cast On, and how to estimate how long the tail should be for the cast on.

How to make 3 strands of yarn out of 1 yarn ball.

How to triple the weight of the yarn using only 1 ball of yarn.

The video shows how to create 3 times thicker yarn without winding the yarn into 3 separate balls.

How to wind yarn from a hank.

How to wind yarn from a hank into a ball or cake using 2 methods:

Part 1, using tools, Amish style yarn swift and yarn winder.

Part 2, using chairs to hold the yarn hank and make a yarn ball with your hands.

Making yarn balls.

How to make 2 types of yarn balls:

1. Simple yarn ball, the working thread will be outside of the ball.

2. Center pull yarn ball, the working thread will come from the middle of the ball and you can work from outside thread too.

German short rows.

How to knit German short rows and make double stitch for it.

Grafting garter stitch edges or Kitchener stitch in the garter stitch pattern.

The video shows how to connect live (open) stitches if you have garter edges using a darning needle and the yarn.

It has notes on what color of yarn to choose if you need to graft sides made in different colors.

Provisional Cast On using crochet hook.

The video shows how to make Provisional Cast On using a crochet hook and scrap yarn and how to remove the crochet chain to open the stitches.

Notes from the video:

- choose the hook size about the size of your working knitting needle

- choose the scrap yarn about the same weight as the working yarn

- pick up and knit stitches using the back bumps of the chain

- the base of V if you look at the crochet chain is the beginning of the chain, start unraveling the chain to open stitches from the top of the V

How to remember kitchener stitch.

Tip for knitters.

If you already know how to do a kitchener stitch but can't quite remember which stitch you need to slip which way, here is a little trick for you. Remember that the front needle is the right side needle and the knit stitch is the right side stitch (if you look at the stockinette), so always start knitwise on the front needle. The same is for the second needle.

The back needle is your wrong side needle, and the purl stitch is your wrong side stitch (again, if you look at the stockinette), so always start purlwise on the back needle.

How to sew on the knitted folded hem.

The video shows how to sew a folded hem for Autumn's Draft Cowl.


Fold the stockinette part of the hem to the wrong side at purl ridge and sew to the wrong side using a simple whip stitch, being careful not to let stitches show on the right side. Grab one bar of the stitch on the main body and 2 legs of the stitch on bind off (or cast on) edge. For the fingering weight yarn, you can connect every other stitch, for thicker yarn like worsted weight, connect every stitch.

Knitting colorwork continental style, Fair Isle with short floats.

The video shows continental style knitting colorwork (fair isle) with 2 colors.


The sample is knitted with evenly alternating colors, which creates only short floats on the wrong side.

I'm holding both colors in the left hand without twisting the yarn. I prefer darker color as my first strand of yarn, the ball with darker color always stays on the left side from me. The ball with a second, lighter color stays on the right side and the strand of yarn lays on the finger closer to the right needle.

Before I change the color, I stretch already knitted sts on the right needle, so the float behind them has enough length and does not squeeze the finished fabric. I picked up the first color as usual, and the second color is picked up over the first color. The 2nd color float is always closer to the needle and the 1st color is slightly under it.

Knitting stitch: Net stitch.

How to knit Net stitch for Flame Shawl with Pockets.


Written description from the pattern:

Row 1: K2tog, Yo2, [Ssk, K2tog, Yo2] rep to last 2 sts, Ssk

Row 2: P1, [(K1, P1), Tw2P] rep to last 3 sts, (K1, P1), P1

Row 3: Yo, Ssk, K2tog, [Yo2, Ssk, K2tog] rep to the end, Yo

Row 4: P1, [Tw2P, (K1, P1)] rep to last 3 sts, Tw2P, P1


Tw2P = purl 2 together but don’t slip it off the left needle, purl first stitch one more time, and slip both sts off the needle

Knitting stitch: Smocking Stitch Cluster.

How to knit Smocking stitch cluster for Smocking Bandana Cowl.


Written description from the pattern:

Smocking St - Insert the right needle from the front between 6th and 7th sts, grab the working yarn and pull it through and place on the left needle, knit it together with first st on left needle

SmockCl - Smocking Cluster = [Smocking St, K1, P2, K2, P2]

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